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What is Energy?

We all know when our energy is low or even hyper, but what exactly is energy? Let’s begin with that container you live in!  The human body is comprised of the complex structure of the human organism.

Energy is the power needed for this complex structure to perform activities required for the existence of human life. In humans, all activities of the body acquire usable energy.  This process involves the consumption of food, initially containing energy in chemical form.

brain waves

The three primary sources of chemical energy in food are carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Carbohydrates provide the energy form needed to activate muscles, with proteins emphasizing the building and restoration of tissues. Fat is the backup source of energy when carbs are not sufficient.  Fat absorbs nutrients and maintaining the core body temperature.

Proper and complete digestion is required to deliver the nutrients with digestion, demanding enzymes and acid in proper amounts to prepare your digested food for delivery to the cells.  If inadequate digestive and enzymes are present, your body diverts white immune cells to issue chemicals needed for defense to the job of digesting food.

The body’s metabolism then converts and makes usable energy available to the human body. Metabolism is defined as the sum of physical and chemical processes in which large molecules are broken down into smaller molecules.  The process called catabolism inside the cell transforms the chemical energy derived from food to produce new forms of usable energy – ATP – plus byproducts such as water and waste materials.

Energy Production in the Body

The human body runs on a special form of fuel – adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. Produced ATP through metabolism including catabolism, with ATP is the fuel essential to produce usable energy from proteins, carbohydrates and fats.  The body’s energy systems include Anaerobic , absent oxygen and the Aerobic System, requiring oxygen.

First Anaerobic Glycolysis – Your metabolism begins when you first chew your food, initiating a series of chemical reactions that transform food eaten into energy needed.

The anaerobic glycolysis energy system utilizes carbohydrates to produce ATP and pyruvate as end products. Carbohydrates eaten, including sugar and starch, readily break down into glucose. Glucose can be used immediately as fuel, or can be sent to the liver and muscles and stored as glycogen.

After going through the liver, glucose not stored enters the circulatory system. This causes blood glucose levels to rise. To breakdown glucose, it must be absorbed through the cell membranes to begin the process of Glycolysis.

Insulin, produced and released by the pancreas, helps glucose get into the body’s cells. If the glucose or sugar remains in the blood stream without cell ingestion and breakdown, Type 2 diabetes can result.

Once cells are full of glucose, the liver stores some of the excess for distribution, should needed blood glucose levels fall below a certain point. If there is leftover glucose beyond what the liver can hold, it can be turned into fat for long-term storage, primarily around your waist.

points of energy on running man

When carbs are scarce, the body runs mainly on fats. If energy needs exceed those provided by carbs and fats in the diet, the body must liquidate some of its fat tissue for energy.

The Aerobic Energy System involves body’ cells called the mitochondria that produce the bulk of ATP and body’ energy. The required oxygen is provided by the cardiovascular and respiratory systems via blood flow to the tissues.

How are mitochondria used in cellular respiration to create energy? The mitochondria matrix is composed of water and proteins in the form of enzymes. These matrix proteins take food molecules and combine the food molecules with oxygen. The mitochondria are essential to energy production.  They are the only place in the cell where oxygen can be combined with the food molecules to produce energy.  After the oxygen is added, the material in the mitochondria can be digested and the cell kept full of usable energy.

Illnesses and microorganisms such as yeast overgrowth, mold, viruses, bacteria, worms and parasites as well as cancer, allergies and diabetes, can and will steal your energy. To defend against and recover from health invasions, keep your immune response and defense at peak.

Eat a nourishing diet with moderate exercise.  Get adequate sleep and  have daily water intake equal to ½ your body weight in ounces.

Suggested nutritional supplements for enhanced energy are NSC-100 Extra Strength MG Beta Glucan, NSC CoQ10, NSC Milk Thistle and NSC Gold Multiple Vitamins and Minerals.  Add NSC Pro Probiotics, NSC SuperZyme digestive enzymes and NSC ImmuCleanse. Choose well, choose NSC!

NSC Energy Package

Discounted 50% to $99.90 (Retail Price: $199.90) – You Buy Wholesale! NSC-100 Extra Strength MG Beta Glucan – 30 Ct. – Nutritionally enhance Your Immune Response!  Energy requires avoidance of energy theft from health challenges that invade when the immune response is weak.

NSC IMMUNITION Milk Thistle w/ Beta Glucan – 180 Ct. – When the liver and spleen cells are free from pollution, energy can be enhanced up to 70%!

NSC Gold Multiple Vitamins with Minerals – 60 Ct.–  Heavy on energy promoting B Vitamins and Vitamin C.

NSC CoQ10 with MG Beta Glucan – 60 Ct. – promotes energy production and essential oxygen delivery in the mitochondria of the cells.  Buy the NSC CoQ10 Formula including 6 mg per serving of MG Beta Glucan and take 3 minutes to see a new very informative YouTube video on NSC IMMUNITION CoEnzyme Q10 with MG Beta Glucan.

Buy the incredible 4 Product – NSC Energy Package at a 50% Discount by clicking for the NSC Energy Package on “Buy Now”.

Contact NSC at or by telephone 888-541-3997 for more information or to comment.  For detailed label and content information click on  an individual product above and then on Supplement Facts.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.